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Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Verification Project in Penghu County in 2018

Till Dec 20th 2018, the project has conducted the following 6 items: 1. Filling station investigation: 271 soil vapor monitoring samples have detected at 17 filling stations in Penghu. The results show that the monitoring values are below the regulatory alert (500 ppmV) at 15 of 17 filling stations. The values of monitoring soil vapor have reached standards at the other 2 filling stations, so there will be followed-up. 2. Groundwater monitoring: The Sampling and Analysis of 20 groundwater monitoring wells in April and July. There is no any values which have reached regulatory standards of the 2 category. 3. Verification of site remediation: The groundwater sampling in Tienhsiang filling station had finished which lower than groundwater contaminated control standard. The contaminated site had deregulated. 4. Investigation of Soil and Groundwater Contamination: 1of 4 filling station had should be regulated because of exceeding the control standard. There were 2 samples in Hushe was found that the TPH, benzene, MTBE concentration is higher than groundwater control standards, suggesting the surveillance should be continued. 5. Emergency treatment work: The project had completed 1 groundwater emergency treatment works, and the result of test is within the standard.
soil, groundwater, filling station